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mars 2019 |

Do you remember the lost island with a city in ruins in Sky Fall (James Bond)? I visited it…
You can find this place off the coast of Nagasaki in Kyushu. It was a self-sufficient town built in an island by Mitsubishi for its employees to run coal mines during mid-twenty century. You can only go there with a private tour and you will be not allowed to do anything by yourself because there is a risk of collapse. It was funny because I was the only “gaijin” (foreigner) in the tour and then I experienced a typical Japanese guided tour! I felt like in a kinder garden: the staff were watching at us like kids! During the tour I sit on the ground to rest a little bit and the staff run at me with towels asking me if I was ok like if I was about to have a dizzy spell! In the way back on the boat, they were all playing “Shi Fu Mi”!!!!!!

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Château d’Osaka, saison des sakuras – Édition limitée de gravures d’art
À partir de 690,00 €
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